UW CSiM is a collaborative tackling today's stewardship challenges in rural medicine. Join us!
Building a Stewardship Workforce
Today, CSiM (see-sim) is a collaborative of over 80 rural hospitals across 10 states working together on stewardship challenges through education, quality and process improvement, and mentoring.
CSiM is comprised of three key parts:
Intensive Quality Improvement Cohort (IQIC)
A 12-month sub-cohort of CSiM members working on quality improvement interventions based on local hospital data and goal setting.
Current IQICs: Asymptomatic Bacteriuria 101 and 201
Tele-Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (TASP) ECHO
A weekly Telehealth meeting with peer facilities for education and case discussion.
CSiM Stewardship Core Elements
CSiM faculty led Antimicrobial Stewardship assessment and review
Hospital-led Quality Improvement PDSAs tools and portal
Toolkits, resources, and guidelines
Grand Rounds opportunities with CSiM faculty
Antibiotic Pocket Guide
Annual Conference
Quality Improvement mentoring and support
For more information, or to join our program, contact uwcsim@uw.edu.

Principal Investigator and Co-Medical Director

Co-Medical Director

Co-Medical Director

CSiM Administrator